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In March, 1952 - when stereo photography was on everyone’s mind - the Chicago Lighthouse for theBlind sponsored a “Snow Ball”, an annul fund-raising event. A feature of the intermission was an invitationalexhibition of 3-D photography. Well-known personalities, including actor Harold Lloyd and the drugstorechain’s Myrtle Walgreen, were invited to exhibit. Many members of the Jackson Park Camera Club’s 3-D section also exhibited.

The “Snow Ball” became the foundation stone of the Chicago Stereo Camera Club. A group of
stereographers under the guidance of Robert L. McIntyre, Camera Editor of the Chicago Tribune, organizedthe club with hosting the Chicago Lighthouse International Exhibition of Stereo Photography as one of itsprimary purposes. The club joined the Photographic Society of America with the result that shows had tobe conformed to meet PSA’s rigid exhibition standards. Workshop parties were held often and club membersattended not only to participate but to support, serve and cheer those who were doing the work. At publicpresentations, ladies of the club wore gowns and the gentlemen dressed accordingly, a sign of the lofty
position the club held in Chicago society.

Today, the Chicago Lighthouse International Exhibition of Stereo photography is proud to be listed as one of the longest continuing contributor to the Chicago Lighthouse.

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